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    发布时间:2019-05-13 10:13:51 点击次数:1954

    4/8-4/11中国国际瓦楞展在上海新国际博览中心举行,Boix Asia 团队积极参与其中并取得了出色的表现。

    Very successful performance of BOIX ASIA team in the SINO Corrugated exhibition 2019 in the SNIEC in Shanghai.


    这是我们第三次以参展商的身份参与其中,众所周知,中国国际瓦楞展是全球专业瓦楞设备、耗材及技术展览会,作为全球瓦楞包装发展新趋势和创新技术工艺的旗舰平台,无疑是瓦楞包装设备与技术供应商面向海内外市场推广新产品新技术,传播品牌与市场公关,拓展人脉资源的绝佳机会。今年,Boix Asia在展会上着重展示了Q-1500&MCT-1/VE 这两台成型设备。

    For third consecutive time, we are attending as exhibitor to this important exhibition covering the entire packaging processing industry chain with its higher scale and multiplier effects. This year we were present in the exhibition showing our Q-1500 and MCT-1 machines.

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    感谢所有来访者、客户和潜在客户的支持和咨询,同时感谢西班牙总部的同事在展会期间对我们的支持。最后,非常感谢Boix Asia团队的努力,使这一切成为可能!

    Thanks to all our visitors, customers and potential customers for your support and inquiries. Also thanks to our colleagues from the Headquarters in Spain supporting us during the exhibition. And finally a big THANKS to the whole BOIX ASIA TEAM, for making this possible!

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    See you soon in ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA in Hong Kong, from 4th to 7th of September.

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